Sunday 15 January 2012

Back at college

 Now back at college, after a rather uneventful weekend, consisting mainly of shooting on a gaming console, and watching 'the last three days', which was a rather good film, with a clever twist at the end.
 Rather fittingly, the first thing I did, when back at college, was, after putting a clothes wash on, was sharpening someone else's knife. Why? Because I am possibly the only person at college with a sharpening stone. Why? If you bring a knife to college, which is another reason why I love this college, you surely expect it to lose it's edge....... 
 Anyway, overall, the past couple of weeks have gone well. Other than my arms looking like I have had a go at them with a small knife/pin combo. I can recommend not hedge laying in a shirt, with the sleeves rolled up- feels fine, until the day after, when your arms turn into a mass of scratches. It makes writing by hand a little difficult, as now the forearms are a little tender, but hey, we live and learn.

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